Database Reference
In-Depth Information
There are several exceptions that can be thrown from the client interface that you might see on
occasion. The following is a list of basic exceptions and explanations of why you might see them,
though a couple of them are not in the Thrift definition:
The user has invalid credentials or does not exist.
The user exists but has not been granted access to this keyspace.
This is thrown when the class that loads the database descriptor can't find the configuration
file, or if the configuration is invalid. This can happen if you forgot to specify a partitioner
or endpoint snitch for your keyspace, used a negative integer for a value that only accepts a
positive integer, and so forth. This exception is not thrown from the Thrift interface.
The user request is improperly formed. This might mean that you've asked for data from a
keyspace or column family that doesn't exist, or that you haven't included all required para-
meters for the given request.
The user requested a column that does not exist.
You might get this when invoking a Thrift method that is no longer valid for the server. This
can occur if you mix and match different Thrift versions with server versions. This exception
is not thrown from the Thrift interface, but is part of Thrift itself. TExceptions are uncaught,
unexpected exceptions that bubble up from the server and terminate the current Thrift call.
They are not used as application exceptions, which you must define yourself.
The response is taking longer than the configured limit, which by default is 10 seconds. This
typically happens because the server is overloaded with requests, the node has failed but this
failure has not yet been detected, or a very large amount of data has been requested.
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