Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Prottocol i
l independence
Thrift encodes and decodes the data types for use across protocols.
Versiioniing s
g supportt
The data types are capable of being versioned to support updates to the client API.
The data definitions are created using a file ending with a .thriftextension. Under your Cassandra
source folder, there's a folder called interface. In it is a file called cassandra.thrift. This file holds
the data definitions for Cassandra. I won't include the whole file contents here, but it looks like
//data structures
struct Column {
1: required binary name,
2: required binary value,
3: required i64 timestamp,
struct SuperColumn {
1: required binary name,
2: required list<Column> columns,
exception NotFoundException {
//service API structures
enum ConsistencyLevel {
ZERO = 0,
ONE = 1,
ALL = 5,
ANY = 6,
struct SliceRange {
1: required binary start,
2: required binary finish,
3: required bool reversed=0,
4: required i32 count=100,
struct SlicePredicate {
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