Database Reference
In-Depth Information
plumbing works, and to show a complete, working application that performs inserts and various
searches and that resembles real-world usage.
When you start thinking about how to design for Cassandra, take a look at Twissandra, written
by Eric Florenzano. Visit to see a fully working Twitter clone that
you can download and try out. The source is all in Python, and it has a few dependencies on
Django and a JSON library to sort out, but it's a great place to start. You can use what's likely
a familiar data model (Twitter's) and see how users, time lines, and tweets all fit into a simple
Cassandra data model.
There is also a helpful post by Eric Evans explaining how to use Twissandra, which is available
at .
In this chapter we saw how to create a complete, working Cassandra application. We also il-
lustrated a typical relational model compared with how you might represent that model in Cas-
sandra, and introduced a variety of commands for interacting with the database.
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