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multi-jurisdictional cooperation, supported by resources for
planning and plan implementation commensurate with risks.
O Community engagement with and among water users, other inter-
ested stakeholders, and the general public including Indigenous
communities to inform decisions, support conflict resolution, and
support plan implementation.
O Accountability and transparency of institutions for a) information
access and exchange with information provided in sufficient time
for informed consultation; b) communicating reasons for decisions;
and c) clear policy implementation and compliance rules.
O Adaptable management structure allowing for public input,
changing priorities and new information and monitoring
2 Knowledge as a basis for decision-making
O A good understanding of the water resource and its uses, future
demands, risks and opportunities.
O Integrated consideration of economic, social and ecological
perspectives when assessing risks and opportunities.
3 Clearly defined and agreed desired outcomes and objectives to
guide direction and strategies and actions for implementation
O Development of agreed high level desired outcomes based around
sustainable development and equitable sharing of benefits and
costs, considering economic, social and ecological perspectives.
O Logical framework to identify actions to achieve objectives.
4 Assessing options, risks, and impacts to achieve outcomes,
mitigate harm
O Active consideration of options for trade-off between competing
outcomes, using best available science, social and economic
analysis and community input.
O Inclusion of measures to mitigate impacts on ecosystems and
O Inclusion of mechanisms to manage risk and contingency
arrangements for extreme events.
5 Monitoring and adaptive management
O Ability to adapt to improved information and knowledge,
including responding to results of monitoring and research.
O Adaptive management based on monitoring, reporting, and
reflection on progressive implementation, environmental, social
and economic characteristics of relevance, and effectiveness of
management for corrective action as needed.
O A logical framework for water planning establishes indicators
for measuring achievement of objectives and outcomes and
effectiveness of management.
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