Civil Engineering Reference
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commercial operations. The skills of interdisciplinary teams should include partici-
pation and conflict management.
Topic structure
In the remainder of this topic we set out principles and practices for devel-
oping water resource plans to address these challenges and better achieve the
three goals of IWRM - economic efficiency, social equity and environmental
In Chapter 2 we review international and national principles and policies
and show how they influence the development of water resource plans.
In Chapter 3 we discuss conceptual frameworks for describing the planning
process and the internal logic of plans. These frameworks are used in the rest
of the topic as a structure for discussing diferent aspects of water resource
planning. Because there is no consistent terminology for these things, we
describe the terms we use in this topic.
Chapter 4 addresses community consultation and collaboration. We
explain why it is important for water resource planning, how it can be done
at different steps of the planning process, and different methods that can be
used in different circumstances.
Chapters 5 to 9 expand on the water planning process described in Chapter
4, setting out in detail methods and approaches. Chapter 5 covers situational
analysis, where the current knowledge of the water resource and its uses is
gathered, and risks and opportunities are identified. In chapter 6 we explain
how objectives and logic can be determined, providing the framework for
further developing the plan. In Chapters 7 and 8 approaches to identifying,
comparing and selecting actions to achieve the plan objectives are described.
Chapter 9 then discusses how monitoring and evaluation arrangements can
be established to provide for ongoing adaptive learning and improvement.
Lastly, in Chapter 10 we make some concluding observations.
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