Civil Engineering Reference
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Eighteen core sustainability indicators were selected from the Public
Agency Supplement, based on ready availability of data and those most
relevant to the draft SEQ Water Strategy 2009. While there were other
important indicators, relevant data applicable to each water supply
option was not available, so they were excluded. The selected indicators
1 Administrative efficiency and effectiveness of Government service
(new social indicator, GRI 2005: 47), e.g. EIS quality
2 Reliability of water supply, potential for growth, and vulnerability
to climate change (service quality standards, PR8)
3 Process for managing impact, e.g. community engagement (SO1)
4 Health and safety risks (PR1) of different water supply options
5 Cost of different water supply options (EC3)
6 Indirect economic impacts of water supply options (EC13)
7 Total material use in water supply options (EN1)
8 Direct and indirect energy use by water supply options (EN3 & 4)
9 Total water use, ecosystems/habitats affected, recycling and reuse
(EN5, 20-22)
10 Land used by water supply options (EN6)
11 Biodiversity impacts of water supply options, impermeable surface,
protected areas/species, restoration (EN7, EN23-29)
12 GHG emissions of water supply options (EN8)
13 Waste generated by water supply options (EN11)
Public agency disclosures on policy and implementation
14 Relationship of agency within governmental structure (PA1)
15 Sustainable development (SD) definition used by government (PA2)
16 Aspects for which government has SD policies (PA3)
17 Short and long-term goals and targets for SD priorities, implemen-
tation, monitoring, and continuous improvement (PA4 & 6)
18 Process for setting goals and targets including stakeholder
engagement (PA5 & 7).
Briefly, the assessment found that demand management is the least
cost solution, saves energy and emissions. Domestic rainwater tanks
are popular and the most favoured source of water for SEQ residents
(Aquagen 2006; Nancarrow et al. 2007; White 2009). A $ AUD 1,000
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