Civil Engineering Reference
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objectives can articulate clearly the benefits and beneficiaries and the services
that support them, and the outputs can articulate the water regime character-
istics that the plan should aim to provide to support he objectives, as shown
in Table 6.1.
As is shown in the above examples, objectives and outputs for a water
resource plan relate to what the plan aims to achieve and not to the process
of plan making. For example objectives such as:
O identify and understand threats to water availability and quality
O engage with the community to develop practical management options
O have a transparent decision-making process
are relevant to the process for making the plan, rather than what the plan
itself aims to achieve, and should be clearly distinguished and should not be
included within the plan (though they may be included in documents that
explain the plan making process).
Finally, an important method to test proposed objectives is to engage with
stakeholders to assess whether they are understandable, sufficiently compre-
hensive and relevant. This is one of the reasons for continuing stakeholder
engagement throughout the process.
Populating the logic framework
In the process of developing the objectives and outputs the logic framework
for the plan can be commenced to provide a basis for further plan devel-
opment. This includes identifying likely evaluation questions and performance
The objectives and outputs should have corresponding performance
indicators and targets. Performance indicators allow achievement of the
objectives and outputs to be measured and evaluated. Targets defined in
terms of the performance indicators provide specificity about the extent that
objectives and targets are expected to be achieved.
Table 6.1
Detailed articulation of objectives and outputs
Supporting water regime
Attract people
to the region
and support
…physical and
mental health, by
increasing amenity
and lifestyle
opportunities such as
walking/ exercising,
barbecuing, boating
and swimming…
…by retaining
native riverside
vegetation and
water quality.
Providing seasonal low
flows, bank full flows and
inundation of areas shown
on map P.
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