Database Reference
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get an API key before you can access it. It ofers web, news, and image searches, though the web
results are noticeably less complete than Google's, especially on more obscure queries:
curl "\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ysearchresponse xmlns="" responsecode="200">
<resultset_web count="10" start="0" totalhits="6185" deephits="17900">
<abstract><![CDATA[<b>Pete Warden's</b> Video Effects. Free Downloads. Help.
Links. Contact. Free Downloads. PeteSearch <b>...</b> The code is open-source, and
I'm also happy to hand it over to any <b>...</b>]]></abstract>
<title><![CDATA[<b>Pete Warden</b>]]></title>
As a newcomer to the search space, Blekko seem very keen on developers accessing its data, so it
offers an easy-to-use API. All you need to do is add the /json slash tag to any query and you'll
get a JSON object instead of HTML:
curl -L "<APIKEY>&ft=&p=1"
"num_elem_start" : 101,
"universal_total_results" : "1M",
"tag_switches" : {
"RESULT" : [
"snippet" : "Shop By Supplement. Amino Acid Supplements. Green Food
Supplements. Multi-Vitamins &amp; Minerals. Internal Detox Cleanse.",
"display_url" : "<b><b>for</b>-<b>headaches</b></b>
"n_group" : 101,
"short_host_url" : "",
"url_title" : "The Bible <strong><strong>Cure</strong> <strong>for</strong>
<strong>Headaches</strong></strong> by Don Colbert, M.D",
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