Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
To prevent mosquito bites, wear long sleeves and long pants and pack good insect repel-
lent, preferably one that contains DEET. Children aged between two and 12 should use
preparations containing no more than 10% DEET, applied sparingly.
Cholera An intestinal infection acquired through ingestion of contaminated food or water.
The main symptom is profuse diarrhea. While the disease occurs regularly in Peru, it's
rare among travelers.
Dengue fever A viral infection transmitted by the aedes mosquitoes, which usually bite
during the daytime and are found close to human habitations. Dengue usually causes flu-
like symptoms, including fever, muscle aches, joint pains, headaches, nausea and vomit-
ing. The body aches may be uncomfortable, but most cases resolve uneventfully in a few
Hepatitis A A viral infection of the liver, usually acquired by ingestion of contaminated
food or water, or via direct contact with infected persons. It is the second most common
travel-related infection in Peru (after travelers' diarrhea) - and while most cases are re-
solved without complications, some cases do result in liver damage. The vaccine is highly
Hepatitis B A similar type of liver infection. Unlike hepatitis A, the disease is usually ac-
quired through sexual contact or by exposure to infected blood.
HIV/AIDS It has been reported in all South American countries. Exposure to blood or
blood products and bodily fluids may put an individual at risk. Use condoms for all sexual
Malaria It is transmitted by mosquito bites. The main symptom is high spiking fevers,
which may be accompanied by chills, sweats, body aches, weakness, vomiting or diarrhea.
It is strongly recommended that travelers to the Amazon take malaria pills.
Travelers' diarrhea This comes from ingesting contaminated food or water. If it is
bloody, persists for more than 72 hours or is accompanied by fever, shaking chills or
severe abdominal pain, seek medical attention.
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