Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Its devoted crew happily gives guided tours. With prior notice, enthusiasts may even be able to see the engine
fired up. The ship also motors across the lake seven times a year - though you will have to find out for yourself if
it's still powered by llama dung.
36-9329; ; admission by donation;
8am-1pm & 3-5:30pm; per person incl break-
fast S99
Offline map Google map
(Conde de Lemos 289; admission with English-speaking guide S15; 9:30am-7pm Mon-Sat) Around
the corner from Casa del Corregidor, this museum houses a fascinating collection of
Puno-related archaeological artifacts and art. Upstairs there are three mummies and a full-
scale fiberglass chullpa (funerary tower).
| Museum
Offline map Google map
( 36-5087; Deza 301; admission S5; 9am-1pm & 3-8pm) Tiny and quirky, this museum offers
lots of interesting (if not well-presented) information about the coca plant and its many
uses. What makes it truly worthwhile, however, are the colorful displays of traditional
costumes worn in Puno's vibrant street parades.
| Museum
Agencies abound and competition is fierce, leading to touting in streets and bus terminals,
undeliverable promises, and prices so low as to undercut fair wages . Several of the cheap-
er tour agencies have reputations for ripping off islanders, with whom travelers stay
overnight. Island-hopping tours, even with the better agencies, can be formulaic.
The following agencies offer responsible tours:
All Ways Travel Offline map Google map (
35-3979; ; Deustua 576, 2nd l)
Has both classic and 'non-touristy' tours.
Edgar Adventures Offline map Google map ( 35-3444; ; Lima 328)
Longtime agency with positive community involvement.
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