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( 247-0780; Av El Sol Oeste 175; mains S34-39; noon-midnight) Named for an iconic local
bus, this contemporary bistro has an uncomplicated Peruvian-Mediterranean menu. It's
not long but it has several standouts, including homemade artichoke ravioli stuffed with
goat cheese, and a lovely duck risotto. To end on a sweet note, split the crisp, warm
churros for dessert.
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( Unión s/n; mains S16-20; 12:30-4pm Wed-Mon) Getting here is a treasure hunt: look for Mer-
cado Capullo in front of the Chung Yion and follow the stalls of trinkets to the rear. The
open-air grill is no-fuss wonderment, with locals drinking jars of chicha (corn beer) while
biding the time until the divine ceviche apaltado (ceviche with avocado) or blackened oc-
topus appears.
| Ceviche
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| Cafe
( 713-9565; Av Pedro de Osma 116; cofee S8-16; 8am-9pm Mon-Fri, 10am-11pm Sat, 3-9pm Sun)
Locals park their designer dogs out front of this roasting house with the finest lattes in
town, well matched with fresh pastries or bitter chocolate pie.
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( 427-2114; Jirón de la Unión 958, Central Lima) Facing the Plaza San Martín from the Gran
Hotel Bolívar, this frayed-yet-bustling spot is known as 'La Catedral del Pisco' for pur-
veying some of the first pisco sours in Peru.
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