Travel Reference
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Water features at El Circuito Mágico del Agua
San Isidro & Around
( 461-1825; ; Bolívar 1515, Pueblo Libre; adult/child under 15 S30/15;
9am-10pm) An 18th-century viceroy's mansion houses this museum, which has one of the
best-presented displays of ceramics in Lima. Founded by Rafael Larco Hoyle in 1926, the
collection showcases ceramic works from the Cupisnique, Chimú, Chancay, Nazca and
Inca cultures, but the highlight is the sublime Moche portrait vessels, presented in simple,
dramatically lit cases. Equally astonishing: a Wari weaving in one of the rear galleries that
contains a record 398 threads to the linear inch. What lures many visitors here, however,
is a separately housed collection of pre-Columbian erotic pots that illustrate, with comical
explicitness, all manner of sexual activity.
| Museum
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