Chemistry Reference
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therapeutic compounds. The study and evaluation of carbohydrate- carbohydrate
interactions go hand in hand with the development of novel and more sensitive
experimental approaches to better understand the nature and biological roles of
these low - affi nity interactions that govern essential cellular processes.
Summary Box
Carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions provide a highly versatile mechanism
based on the low affi nity and polyvalent confi guration of carbohydrate chains.
Carbohydrates offer many combinatorial possibilities for fi nely tuned cellular
adhesion and recognition processes, as well as for interactions between drugs
or natural ligands with DNA. Precision and sensitivity of novel experimental
approaches allow more thorough investigation of these interactions at the
single - molecule level.
Bucior I , Burger MM . Carbohydrate - car-
bohydrate interactions in cell recognition.
Curr Opin Struct Biol 2004 ; 14 : 631 - 7 .
Spillmann D , Burger MM . Carbohydrate -
carbohydrate interactions in adhesion. J
Cell Biochem 1996 ; 61 : 562 - 8 .
Spillmann D . Carbohydrates in cellular
recognition: from leucine-zipper to sugar-
zipper? Glycoconj J 1994 ; 11 : 169 - 71 .
Fern à ndez - Busquets X , Burger MM . Cir-
cular proteoglycans from sponges: fi rst
members of the spongican family. Cell
Mol Life Sci 2003 ; 60 : 88 - 112 .
Guerardel Y et al. Molecular fi ngerprint-
ing of carbohydrate structure phenotypes
of three porifera proteoglycan-like glyco-
nectins . J Biol Chem 2004 ; 279 : 15591 - 603 .
Haseley SR et al. Carbohydrate self - recog-
nition mediates marine sponge cellular
adhesion . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001 ;
98 : 9419 - 24 .
Garcia - Manyes S et al. Proteoglycan mech-
anics studied by single-molecule force
spectroscopy of allotypic cell adhesion
glycans . J Biol Chem 2006 ; 281 : 5992 - 9 .
Turley EA , Roth S . Interactions between
the carbohydrate chains of hyaluronate
and chondroitin sulphate. Nature 1980 ;
283 : 268 - 71 .
Hakomori S . Carbohydrate - to - carbohydrate
interaction, through glycosynapse, as a basis
of cell recognition and membrane organiza-
tion . Glycoconj J 2004 ; 21 : 125 - 37 .
Regina Todeschini A , Hakomori SI . Func-
tional role of glycosphingolipids and gan-
gliosides in control of cell adhesion, motility,
and growth, through glycosynaptic micro-
domains . Biochim Biophys Acta 2008 ; 1780 :
421 - 33 .
Handa K et al. Le x glycan mediates homo-
typic adhesion of embryonal cells indepen-
dently from E-cadherin: a preliminary note.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun
2007 ; 358 :
247 - 52 .
Hernaiz MJ et al. A model system mimick-
ing glycosphingolipid clusters to quantify
carbohydrate self-interactions by surface
plasmon resonance. Angew Chem Int Ed
Engl 2002 ; 41 : 1554 - 7 .
Matsuura K et al. Surface plasmon reso-
nance study of carbohydrate-carbohydrate
interaction between various gangliosides
and Gg3-carrying polystyrene. Biomacromol-
ecules 2004 ; 5 : 937 - 41 .
Smith CK et al. DNA - nogalamycin inter-
actions: the crystal structure of d(TGATCA)
complexed with nogalamycin. Biochemistry
1995 ; 34 : 415 - 25 .
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