Agriculture Reference
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known that japonica varieties are more tolerant to cold than
those of indica varieties. Japan has more rice productivity than
the average world rice productivity. The high yield is due to the
genotype characteristics related to nitrogen responsiveness and
ecological prevalent conditions. The average rice productivity
in Japan is about 7 tons per hectare and that of other part of
world is 4 tons per hectare (Fig. 39).
Fig. 39 Yearwise rice productivity in Japan and World.
Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the topic.
To understand the climatic infl uences on yield and yield
components of rice under seasonal variation at different
locations of tropics, IRRI carried out a study and analyzed
the data. Yield varied from 3.49 to 11.60 tons per hec. Yield
components also varied greatly at different locations suggesting
that rice yield potential is high and can be achieved under
proper management system and environmental conditions
(Table 24).
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