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energy R and D would decline slightly, while fossil energy R and D and nuclear
energy R and D would increase by 34 percent and 44 percent, respectively (see
app. I).
Source: GAO analysis of DOE data.
Note: B u dget au thority i s in re a l term s , a dj us ted to fi s c a l ye a r 2008 doll a r s to a cco u nt
for infl a tion. The bu dget d a t a foc us e s on development of a dv a nced energy
technologie s a nd excl u de s su ch R and D a re as as Vehicle Technologie s b ec aus e
it s foc us i s improving the energy efficiency of vehicle s .
Figure 2. DOE's Budget Authority for Renewable, Fossil, and Nuclear R and D, Fiscal
Years 1978-2008.
As shown in figure 3, budget authority for the Office of Science increased by
16 percent from $3.4 billion in fiscal year 2000 to $4 billion in fiscal year 2008.
The budget request for the Office of Science for fiscal year 2009 is $4.7 billion, a
19-percent increase over the fiscal year 2008 appropriation. Because the Office of
Science funds basic research in materials sciences, for example, many of its R and
D programs may have useful applications for energy R and D. In fiscal year 2009,
the Office of Science has requested $69.1 million for research related to the solar
energy R and D program, $42.9 million related to biomass R and D, and $60.4
million for the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative. The Office of Science also funds
fundamental research in such areas as high energy physics, nuclear physics, and
fusion energy.
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