Databases Reference
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Event 10027 and
Deadlock Diagnosis
P art 1 introduced the partially documented initialization parameter EVENT and some of the
benefits that may be realized by using it for troubleshooting. Part 3 expands on that material in
the sense that the events it discusses may be set using the parameter EVENT or the SQL statements
ALTER SESSION / SYSTEM . The difference between these approaches is that solely the parameter
EVENT ensures that the configuration is both persistent and pertains to the entire lifetime of an
ORACLE DBMS instance. The subsequent chapters address events for deadlock diagnosis,
collection of performance data, and Oracle Net packet dumps.
A deadlock occurs when two or more sessions hold locks and another lock request, which
would result in a circular chain of locks, is issued. If this new lock request were granted, the
sessions would deadlock and none of them would ever finish. Hence, the ORACLE DBMS
detects circular chains pertaining to interdependent locks, signals the error “ORA-00060: deadlock
detected while waiting for resource”, and rolls back one of the sessions involved in the would-be
deadlock. A trace file is written whenever an ORACLE instance detects a deadlock. The undocu-
mented event 10027 gives the DBA control over the amount and type of diagnostic information
Figure 5-1 depicts a deadlock situation among two database sessions. Session 1 locks the
row with EMPLOYEE_ID=182 at time t 1 . At time t 2 , session 2 locks the row with EMPLOYEE_ID=193 .
At t 3 , session 1 requests a lock on the row with EMPLOYEE_ID=193 , which is already locked by
session 2. Hence, session 1 has to wait on the event enq: TX - row lock contention . At t 4 , session 2
requests a lock on the row that session 1 locked at t 1 . Since granting this lock would lead to a
circular chain, the DBMS signals “ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource” at t 5 .
The UPDATE statement executed by session 1 at t 3 is rolled back. At this point, session 2 is still
waiting for the lock on the row with EMPLOYEE_ID=182 , which session 1 continues to hold. Session 1
should ROLLBACK in response to ORA-00060, releasing all its locks and allowing session 2 to
complete the update of employee 182.
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