Databases Reference
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At the time when the stack was dumped, the server process was waiting for a network
packet from the client in the routine nttrd . The wait event SQL*Net message from client in
V$SESSION confirms this.
SQL> SELECT p.spid, s.event, s.state
FROM v$session s, v$process p
WHERE s.username='NDEBES'
AND s.paddr=p.addr;
------------ --------------------------- -------
6524 SQL*Net message from client WAITING
The routine nttrd waited for the UNIX system call read to return. Using the system call
tracing utility strace reveals that the read system call was done against file descriptor 13, which
represents a socket connection between the traced dedicated server process and the client.
$ strace -p 6524
Process 6524 attached - interrupt to quit
read( 13 , <unfinished ...>
Process 6524 detached
$ ls -l /proc/6524/fd/13
lrwx------ 1 oracle oinstall 64 Sep 9 13:08 /proc/6524/fd/13 -> socket :[4514905]
The command HANGANALYZE performs a hang analysis dump. Such dumps are taken to diagnose
database hanging issues. Please refer to the very extensive Metalink note 61552.1 for more
information on this topic. Following is an example of a level 1 hang analysis dump. The scenario
was as follows:
Session 141 ( V$SESSION.SID=141 ) executed LOCK TABLE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE on a table.
Session 147 tried to insert into the same table.
The INSERT statement executed by session 147 had to wait for session 141 to release the
table lock.
The resulting hang analysis dump is shown next. Chains list waiting sessions. Chains that
contain more than a single session indicate that the session at the head of the chain (on the left)
is blocking other sessions in the same chain.
Open chains found:
Chain 1 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/ospid/wait_event> :
<0/141/47/3580/No Wait> -- <0/147/518/6064/enq: TM - contention>
Other chains found:
Chain 2 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/ospid/wait_event> :
<0/145/117/5244/jobq slave wait>
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