Databases Reference
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profile from a trace file, I would like to walk you through a manual calculation of some figures
based on a small trace file.
Case Study
This case study is based on a small Perl DBI program called . The program
inserts a single row into the table CUSTOMER . Each customer is identified by a unique number,
which is generated by the sequence CUSTOMER_ID_SEQ . An INSERT trigger is used to assign the
next value from the sequence to the column ID of the table. I have deliberately created the
sequence with the NOCACHE option, since this causes recursive SQL (i.e., dep values greater than
zero). 3 The purpose of the case study is twofold:
To demonstrate how the response time R is calculated.
To provide evidence that runtime statistics at recursive call depths greater than zero are
rolled up into statistics at higher recursive call depths and ultimately at recursive call
depth 0.
Remember that statements executed directly by a database client have recursive call depth
zero. The program pauses twice to allow the user to query the dynamic performance view
V$SESSTAT , once before enabling SQL trace and once just prior to disconnection from the
ORACLE instance. Since V$SESSTAT is not affected by double counting as discussed previously,
it holds an accurate representation of session level statistics.
Running the Perl Program
To repeat the case study, open two terminal windows. One for running the Perl program and
another one for querying V$SESSTAT . Run in the first terminal window. 4
Hit return to continue
While the program waits for input, query V$SESSTAT in the second window.
SQL> SELECT, s.value
FROM v$sesstat s, v$statname n, v$session se
WHERE s.statistic#=n.statistic#
AND IN ('db block gets', 'consistent gets')
AND s.sid=se.sid
AND se.program LIKE 'perl%';
------------------ -----
db block gets 0
consistent gets 195
Do not use NOCACHE in any real-world applications, since it degrades performance.
Use the Perl DBI environment variables DBI_USER , DBI_PASS , and DBI_DSN to specify user name,
password, data source, and connect string (see Chapter 22).
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