Databases Reference
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23 while (
24 System.out.println("This is session " + rset.getString(1) + " on " +
25 rset.close();
26 System.out.println("\nPlease query V$SESSION and hit return to continue when done
27, 0, 80); // Pause until user hits enter
28 // with connection pooling, execute this code before returning session to connect
ion pool
29 app_instrumentation[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_CLIENTID_INDEX]="";
30 app_instrumentation[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_MODULE_INDEX]="";
31 app_instrumentation[OracleConnection.END_TO_END_ACTION_INDEX]="";
32 ((OracleConnection)conn).setEndToEndMetrics(app_instrumentation,(short)0);
The connection is established by creating an instance of the class java.util.Properties ,
setting user name and password, and then passing the class instance to the driver manager
in DriverManager.getConnection . This makes it possible to use the undocumented property
v$session.program (line 6) to set the program and module names in V$SESSION for JDBC Thin
connections. The default program and module name for such connections is JDBC Thin Client,
which is not very telling. JDBC OCI ignores this property.
If you cannot afford to thoroughly instrument a JDBC Thin application, I recommend that
you at least set this property prior to establishing a connection to the DBMS. Thus, the DBA will
be able to identify which database session your Java program uses, but he will not be able to
use the setting with DBMS_MONITOR , since it only honors the documented programming inter-
faces PL/SQL, OCI, and Java. The module name will not only appear in V$SESSION.MODULE , but
also in Statspack and in AWR reports. Of course, the latter benefit applies to any program that
sets V$SESSION.MODULE , irrespective of whether it is set with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_
MODULE , OCI, or JDBC. The module should also be set with JDBC OCI, but it requires a few more
lines of code. The default program and module for JDBC OCI are java@ client_host_name on
UNIX and java.exe on Windows, where client_host_name is the system from which the JDBC
OCI program connected.
On line 16, the variable app_instrumentation is declared as an array of strings. The constant
OracleConnection.END_TO_END_STATE_INDEX_MAX is used to specify the array size. Client identifier,
module, and action are set in lines 17 to 19. The call to
((OracleConnection)conn).setEndToEndMetrics in line 20 makes the new settings available to
the end-to-end metrics API. The cast is mandatory to use the extension from Oracle Corpora-
tion. In lines 20 to 25 a SELECT statement is executed. This statement causes parse, execute, and
fetch database calls. The new settings will be sent along with the first database call, which results
from the SELECT statement. Thus, while the program waits for the user to press Return in line 27, the
new settings for module, action, and client identifier will be seen in V$SESSION . In lines 29 to 32
module, action, and client identifier are set to empty strings. This is done to show the integra-
The source code depot also includes a Java program which is instrumented with PL/SQL
and is compatible with Oracle9 i as well as Oracle10 g . Use of an Oracle10 g JDBC driver to connect
to an Oracle9 i instance is supported. However, end-to-end metrics code has no effect when
executed against an Oracle9 i instance. Thus, at least to set module and action, PL/SQL must be
used by Java applications running against Oracle9 i . The Java class OracleConnection includes
the method public void setClientIdentifier(java.lang.String clientId) to set the client
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