Databases Reference
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T he package DBMS_IJOB is an undocumented PL/SQL package that is called internally by DBMS_
JOB . By using DBMS_IJOB directly, the limitations inherent in DBMS_JOB may be overcome. Using
DBMS_IJOB , it is possible to create and drop jobs in other schemas, to export jobs as PL/SQL
scripts, and to change the NLS environment of jobs as well as the database user who runs a job.
Execute permission on DBMS_IJOB is included in the role DBA. Unless the January 2009 Critical
Patch Update is installed in an ORACLE_HOME, database users with access to DBMS_IJOB can
circumvent auditing.
Introduction to DBMS_JOB
The package DBMS_JOB submits PL/SQL procedures, which shall be run at regular intervals, to
the job queue. The job queue is enabled by setting the initialization parameter JOB_QUEUE_
PROCESSES to a value greater than zero. The job queue is handled by the job queue coordinator
process CJQ0 and job queue slave processes (JNNN). The documented interface to the job queue is
the package DBMS_JOB . This package does not allow a database administrator to create, modify,
and drop jobs in foreign schemas.
DBMS_JOB calls the undocumented package DBMS_IJOB to accomplish its tasks. Using DBMS_
IJOB directly, allows a database administrator to overcome the aforementioned limitations.
Changes to the job queue with DBMS_IJOB take effect when COMMIT is issued (same as with DBMS_
JOB ). The data dictionary table underlying DBA_JOBS is SYS.JOB$ .
DBMS_JOB and DBMS_IJOB have the procedures BROKEN , REMOVE and RUN in common. These
procedures have identical arguments in both packages. For each of them I provide an example
that illustrates how DBMS_IJOB gives the DBA full control of all jobs in the database.
BROKEN Procedure
This procedure may be used to change the status of a job in any schema, thus overcoming the
limitation of DBMS_JOB.BROKEN . Jobs with status broken ( DBA_JOBS.BROKEN=Y ) are not run auto-
matically, but may be run manually with DBMS_JOB.RUN .
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