Graphics Programs Reference
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Because of the possible complexities involved, I prefer to split any default background color
into its own declaration, as shown earlier. h us I'd write the preceding as:
.quotebox { background :
url(bg01.png) top left no-repeat,
url(bg02.png) top right no-repeat,
url(bg03.png) bottom right no-repeat,
url(bg04.png) bottom left no-repeat,
url(bgparch.png) center repeat ;
background-color : #FFF ;}
When you use the separate property, the color is placed behind all the images and you don't
have to worry about shit ing it around if you reorder the images or add new images to the pile.
You can comma-separate the other background properties such as background-image . In
fact, an alternate way of writing the preceding styles would be:
.quotebox {
background-repeat : no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat ;
background-image : url(bg01.png), url(bg02.png), url(bg03.png), url(bg04.png),
url(bgparch.png) ;
background-position : top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, center ;
background-color : #FFF ;}
Dif erent format, same result. h is probably looks more verbose, and in this case it really is,
but not always. If you drop the parchment background, which would result in the screenshot
shown in Figure 7-30, then you could simplify the i rst declaration quite a bit:
.quotebox {
background-repeat : no-repeat ;
background-image : url(bg01.png), url(bg02.png), url(bg03.png), url(bg04.png) ;
background-position : top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left ;
background-color : #FFF ;}
Figure 7-30: Similar background, alternate syntax.
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