Graphics Programs Reference
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Take, for example, this simple set of styles and markup to present a quotation, the result of
which is shown in Figure 7-25:
body { background : #C0FFEE ; font : 1em Georgia, serif ; padding : 1em 5% ;}
.quotebox { font-size : 195% ; padding : 80px 80px 40px ; width : 16em ; margin : 2em
auto ;
border : 2px solid #8D7961 ; background : #FFF ;}
.quotebox span { font-style : italic ; font-size : smaller ; display : block ;
margin-top :
0.5em ; text-align : right ;}
< div class="quotebox">
One&#8217;s mind has a way of making itself up in the background , and it suddenly
becomes clear what one means to do.
< span> & #8212;Arthur Christopher Benson< / span>
</ div>
Figure 7-25: Setting up the quotation's box.
Now, adding a single background image (as in Figure 7-26) is no big deal. Everyone has done
it about a zillion times.
.quotebox { background : url(bg01.png) top left no-repeat ; background-color : #FFF ;}
Figure 7-26: Adding a single background.
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