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But back up a bit and consider a somewhat unusual way to style columns, one that requires no
classes at all. First, strip all those classes out of the markup.
< table>
< tbody>
< tr>
< td>Row 1 cell 1</ td>
< td>Row 1 cell 5</ td>
</ tr>
< tr>
< td>Row 2 cell 1</ td>
< td>Row 1 cell 5</ td>
</ tr>
</ tbody>
</ table>
Now, how do you style just the second column? With :first-child and the adjacent-
sibling combinator.
td:first-child + td { border : 2px solid #000 ; border-width : 0 2px ;}
tr:first-child td:first-child + td { border-top-width : 2px ;}
tr:last-child td:first-child + td { border-bottom-width : 2px ;}
In this approach, styling the i rst column means just using td:first-child (since you're
selecting all the table cells that are the i rst children of their tr parents). Any column at er
that is selected by adding n-1 instances of + td . So if you want to shit that border to the
fourth column (see Figure 6-8):
td:first-child + td +td + td { border : 2px solid #000 ; border-width : 0 2px ;}
tr:first-child td:first-child + td + td + td { border-top-width : 2px ;}
tr:last-child td:first-child + td + td + td { border-bottom-width : 2px ;}
Figure 6-8: Using child and sibling selectors to style a “column.”
Clumsy or elegant? Depends on your aesthetics, I suppose.
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