Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
In Figure 3-8 , we see the details of the file GameController_iPhone.xib on the left. On the right, we
see the IBOutlets and IBActions defined in the file GameController.h .
Reviewing GameController_iPhone.xib
Under the Objects section on the left, we see a number of UIViews . The Landscape Play view
and the Portrait Play view are shown when the game is being played, which is the only time this
application supports both orientations. For simplicity, the rest of the views are for portrait
orientation only.
When the application initializes, we know that the first view the user sees is the Loading view. After
that, the user is directed to the Welcome view. In Figure 3-8 , we can see that both of these views
UIViewControllers in the XIB. These two
UIViewController because the each contributes a reasonable amount of
UIViewController classes. As a
UIViewController in other applications.
3-8 , we see the connections defined in the class GameController . We can also
Listing 3-1. GameController.h
#import "CoinsController.h"
#import "CoinsGame.h"
#import "HighscoreController.h"
@interface GameController : UIViewController<CoinsControllerDelegate>{
IBOutlet UIView *landscapePlayView;
IBOutlet UIView *landscapeGameHolderView;
IBOutlet UIView *portraitPlayView;
IBOutlet UIView *portraitGameHolderView;
IBOutlet UIView *loadingView;
IBOutlet UIView *welcomeView;
IBOutlet UIButton *continueButton;
IBOutlet UIView *aboutView;
IBOutlet CoinsController *coinsController;
IBOutletCollection(UILabel) NSArray *remainingTurnsLabels;
IBOutletCollection(UILabel) NSArray *scoreLabels;
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