Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Exploring the Role Each View Plays
Each view in the application serves a different purpose. By understanding what each view does, you
will understand why this example is organized the way that it is. Let's start by looking at Figure 3-2 ,
showing the Launch Image and the Loading view.
Figure 3-2. Launch Image and Loading view
In Figure 3-2 , we see the Launch Image on the left, which appears when control of the initialization
process is passed to the app delegate. We see the Loading view on the right of Figure 3-2 . In
this case, the Loading view has a UIImageView with the same image used as the Launch image.
This is not required, but it is a nice way to provide a seamless visual experience for the user. In a
more complex application, you might want to display a progress bar as images are loading. For
an application this simple, you don't really need a loading screen, because the number and size
of the images used are small. In our case, we simply add a UILabel with the text “Loading . . . ”
to the Loading view. Once the initial resources of an application are loaded, the Welcome view is
presented, as shown in Figure 3-3 .
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