Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Screen Real Estate
Though we have three different screen sizes in terms of pixels, we have only two different aspect
ratios. The aspect ratio of the two iPhones is the same at 2:3, while the aspect ratio of the iPad is
3:4. Working with these differences, we want to figure out how to lay out our applications to make
the best use of the screen space. Let's start by looking at the layout of the game from Chapter 3, as
shown in Figure A-12 .
Coin Sorter on iPhone (retina) and iPad
A-12 , we see on the left the game running on the iPhone in landscape, and on the right
we see the game running on the iPad in landscape. In both cases, we use the game area on the
right surrounded by a gray border. Because the game area is square, we have to figure out only one
dimension, but we still have to figure out the best sizes for our coin images based on how much
space the game area takes up. Figure A-13 shows the size of these two areas and how it relates to
the size of the coins.
Figure A-13. Relative size of game area and coin images in pixels
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