Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
-(void)step:(GameController*)controller : The task step: is called once per
game step by the GameController . Subclasses of Actor can provide custom
logic in their implementation of this task.
-(BOOL)overlapsWith: (Actor*) actor : The task overlapsWith : is used to test if
an Actor occupies any of the same space as another Actor . This can be used to
implement simple collision detection.
-(void)addBehavior:(NSObject<Behavior>*)behavior : The task addBehavior : is
a utility method for adding Behaviors to an Actor in a single step.
Each Actor has to describe how the GameController should render it. The protocol Representation
(defined in Actor.h) describes how a GameController can get and update a UIView for each
Actor . There are two concrete implementations of Representation : ImageRepresentation and
VectorRepresentation . The class ImageRepresentation uses UIImages and UIImageViews to create
a UIView suitable for presenting the Actor . The class VectorRepresentation draws the Actor
dynamically using Core Graphics. The details for how ImageRepresentation are covered in Chapter 6,
while the implementation of VectorRepresentation is covered Chapter 7. There are two tasks defined
by the protocol:
-(UIView*)getViewForActor:(Actor*)anActor In:(GameController*)
aController : This task is called once shortly after an Actor is added to a
GameController. It is responsible for creating and returning a UIView suitable for
rendering the Actor .
-(void ) updateView:(UIView*)aView ForActor:(Actor*)anActor
In:(GameController*)aController : This task is called whenever an Actor's
needsViewUpdated property is true. This task should make any changes to the
UIView required to make it accurately represent the Actor .
When creating a game, a lot of different Actors will require very similar code to implement. While it
is definitely possible to construct a class hierarchy that provides just the right code for each class, I
find this cumbersome. One solution is the Behavior protocol and the classes that implement it. Each
instance of the protocol Behavior is responsible for applying some logic to an Actor, one per step.
The protocol Behavior defines a single task:
-(void)applyToActor:(Actor*)anActor In:(GameController*)gameController;
The task
applyToActor:In: is implement by the classes that conform to this
protocol to provide some sort of behavior to the Actors they are attached
to. There are several implementations of Behavior included in the game Belt
Commander; those are:
LinearMotion : The class LinearMotion is used to move an Actor in a straight line
during the game. The class provides several utility constructors to make it easy
to define the motion based on a direction or a target point.
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