Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Using the RockPaperScissorsView from Chapter 1, let's take a look at how this functionality
would appear if it were implemented as a UIViewController . Listing 2-3 shows the file
RockPaperScissorsController.h .
Listing 2-3. RockPaperScissorsController.h
@interface RockPaperScissorsController : UIViewController {
UIView* buttonView;
UIButton* rockButton;
UIButton* paperButton;
UIButton* scissersButton;
UIView* resultView;
UILabel* resultLabel;
UIButton* continueButton;
BOOL isSetup;
In Listing 2-3, we see the class RockPaperScissorsController extends UIViewController . Among
other things, this means that RockPaperScissorsController has a property called " view " that will be
the root UIView for this controller. Like RockPaperScissorsView , we will have other UIViews that are
subviews of the root view , such as the buttons for selecting your choice. Although these buttons
could conceivably have their own UIViewControllers , there comes a point when it makes sense to
allow a UIViewController to manage all of the UIViews with which it is concerned. There are very
few changes required on the implementation side of things to complete this transition from UIView
to UIViewController . Basically, wherever we used the keyword " self ," we simply say self.view
instead. Listing 2-4 shows the required changes.
Listing 2-4. RockPaperScissorsController.m (Partial)
if (!isSetup){
isSetup = true;
buttonView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, size.width, size.height)];
[buttonView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]];
[ self.view addSubview:buttonView];
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