Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Powerup* powerup=[powerups objectAtIndex:index];
TemporaryBehavior* tempBehav=[TemporaryBehavior temporaryBehavior:nil for:60*5];
[tempBehav setDelegate:self];
NSMutableArray* behaviors=[powerup behaviors];
[behaviors removeAllObjects];
[behaviors addObject:tempBehav];
[powerup setState:STATE_GLOW];
tapGesture :, which is called whenever one of the 12
recognizes a tap gesture. Note that we are not checking the state of
UITapGestureRecognizer ; this is because tap gestures are considered discrete and don't use
numberOfTapsRequired and numberOfTouches to figure
UITapGestureRecognizer has responded and store these values in taps and touches,
Powerup that should be enabled and is found in
NSMutableArray powerups . Once we have the correct Powerup , we create a TemporaryBehavior
self as the delegate. The power-up then has its behavior set to the newly created
, as well as having its state set to STATE_GLOW. This starts the power-up
TemporaryBehavior .
The TemporaryBehavior Class
The class TemporaryBehavior applies a behavior to an actor for a fixed number of steps. In this case,
we don't really want to apply any behaviors; we just want to know when five seconds has gone by.
Let's take a quick look the class TemporaryBehavior and see how this works. The declaration of
TemporaryBehavior is shown in Listing 8-11.
Listing 8-11. TemporaryBehavior.h
@class TemporaryBehavior;
@protocol TemporaryBehaviorDelegate
-(void)stepsUpdatedOn:(Actor*)anActor By:(TemporaryBehavior*)tempBehavior In:(GameController*)
@interface TemporaryBehavior : NSObject<Behavior>{
@property (nonatomic) long stepsRemaining;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject<Behavior>* behavior;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject<TemporaryBehaviorDelegate>* delegate;
+(id)temporaryBehavior:(NSObject<Behavior>*)aBehavior for:(long)aNumberOfSteps;
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