Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
[view setDelegate:delegate];
[anActor setNeedsViewUpdated:YES];
return view;
-(void)updateView:(UIView*)aView ForActor:(Actor*)anActor In:(GameController*)aController{
if ([anActor needsViewUpdated]){
[aView setNeedsDisplay];
[anActor setNeedsViewUpdated:NO];
VectorRepresentation and that it has a trivial
getViewForActor:In: and updateView:In:
Representation . In the task getViewForActor:In: we create a new
, and specify the actor and delegate that should be used to draw. Then we call
, making sure the actor's drawing code is called at least once.
updateView:In: we check to see if the actor needs updating; if so, we call
on the UIView aView . The task setNeedsDisplay is defined by the class UIView
UIView should be redrawn. In effect,
drawRect: task of our VectorActorView to be called, which in turn will call the
of our actor. Next we want to look at the details of the class
A UIView for Vector-Based Actors: VectorActorView
The class VectorActorView is a subclass of UIView and is used to represent the actor in the scene in
much the same way as we use UIImageView instances to represent image-based Actor s. Let's take
a look at the class VectorActorView and see how it all fits together, starting with the header. See
Listing 7-9.
Listing 7-9. VectorActorView.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "Actor.h"
#import "VectorRepresentation.h"
@interface VectorActorView : UIView {
@property (nonatomic, retain) Actor* actor;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSObject<VectorRepresentationDelegate>* delegate;
In Listing 7-9, we see that VectorActorView extends UIView and has two properties. The first is
the Actor that is to be drawn. The second property is the VectorRepresentationDelegate that
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