Game Development Reference
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self.clockwise = YES;
self.needsImageUpdated = YES;
} else {
self.rotation -= .1;
self.clockwise = NO;
self.needsImageUpdated = YES;
float dx = (moveToPoint.x - c.x);
float dy = (moveToPoint.y - c.y);
float theta = atan(dy/dx);
float dxf = cos(theta) * self.speed;
float dyf = sin(theta) * self.speed;
if (dx < 0){
dxf *= −1;
dyf *= −1;
c.x += dxf;
c.y += dyf;
if (abs(moveToPoint.x - c.x) < self.speed && abs(moveToPoint.y - c.y) < self.speed){
c.x = moveToPoint.x;
c.y = moveToPoint.y;
self.state = STATE_STOPPED;
self.needsImageUpdated = YES;
[self setCenter:c];
In Listing 5-25, we see that we now have a set of if statements that controls the ship's behavior
based on its state. If the ship is stopped, we check to see if it should stay stopped; if not, we switch
to the turning state and indicate that we need the image updated by setting needsImageUpdated
to YES .
If the ship is in the turning state, calculate the angle we are turning toward based on moveToPoint
and store the result in the variable theta . Because atan only returns a value between - p /2 and p /2,
we test to see if we should add p to get our targetRotation . Once we have our targetRotation
value, we check to see how close the targetRotation is to the current rotation. If they are close, we
simply set rotate and to targetRotation and change state to STATE_TRAVELING . If we have not yet
reached our targetRotation value, we rotate the ship a little way toward our targetRotation . If the
ship is traveling, it moves toward the moveToPoint just as it did before.
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