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Guest Posting and Making Link Requests to Other Webmasters
Note: You can watch me doing the process of link requests by emailing other webmas-
ters in the video lesson on the following page:
Guest posting is the practice of writing a post for another blog, and the webmaster of that
blog will allow a link or two within the article to your blog. They get some free content for
their blog and you get a link or two for your blog: it's a win-win. This method is done by
actually emailing other webmasters and asking for a link directly from their website to your
Not only will the guest post provide you with some direct traffic from the link (and hopefully
gain you some new loyal readers), but your blog will receive a slight Seach Engine Optim-
ization (SEO) boost that will make the website a bit stronger and help it rank better in search
The reason this method is powerful is because you will be asking webmasters for links from
other websites to your website that are in your same category . In other words, if I was look-
ing for links for my Cement and Concrete Construction Guide website, I'd be emailing other
webmasters that have websites related to construction. If one of those websites were to link
to mine, that would be one of the most powerful links I could hope for (because it is com-
ing from a genuine website instead of an article directory AND it is related to my category /
To ask for links from other webmasters is actually a fairly simple process; the difficult part
is getting another webmaster to actually agree to it (since most of them simply won't reply
to your request or just refuse to give you a link from their website).
In some cases, the webmaster will agree to give you a link if you will give them a link from
one of your websites in return (a trade). In these cases I usually oblige, since I have nothing
to lose by linking to another website from one of mine. In fact, linking to other websites that
you like is a practice that Google encourages (it is how the Internet works, after all!).
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