Agriculture Reference
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3 ml syringe (no needle needed)
5 ml syringe (no needle needed)
graduated cylinder
volumetric flask (only needed if preparing your own
iodine solution)
Scale (only needed if preparing your own iodine solution)
Distilled Water
.02N Iodine solution 53
1% Starch solution
25% Sulfuric Acid solution
3% Hydrogen peroxide solution
Clean all equipment with distilled water. Put a 20ml sample
of wine in the 50ml beaker. Add 5ml of starch solution, swirl
to mix, then add 5ml of sulfuric acid solution to the sample
and swirl to mix again. Fill the 3ml syringe with iodine
solution. Add iodine solution a little at a time, swirling after
each addition, until a distinct color change (it will be dark
blue) that remains for several seconds occurs. The measured
amount of sulfite in ppm is:
(3ml−reading on syringe) × 32
Write this number down as we'll use it twice in the next part
of the procedure. Now we need to measure the error. To do
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