Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Planting Guides and Seeders
Ah! The joy of planting! Your beds are prepared and ready to
accept the seeds that will bring forth an abundant harvest, and
the anticipation feels almost electric as you breathe in the
smell of soil mingled with the scents of spring. You rush out
the door eagerly with packets of seeds in one hand and a map
of where everything will go in the other.
About an hour later, after you have painstakingly punched
about 200 precisely spaced holes in the soil at two-inch
intervals, your back is aching, your knees are dirty and the
mosquitoes have come out in force. All you have done is poke
holes and you still haven't even planted a seed, but when it
comes to that the seeds are so tiny you can barely pick them
out of your hand. You know placing the seeds in the holes
will take forever.
Intensive agricultural techniques that involve close plant
spacings are certainly space efficient, but as you slap another
blood sucker off your forearm, you start wondering if it is
worth it. The produce aisle at the supermarket is starting to
look appealing.
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