Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Protected Species
Animals once on the endangered list, such as bottlenose dolphins, Risso's dolphins, minke
whales and lesser horseshoe bats are no longer officially endangered per se, but they each
are subject to a National Biodiversity Action Plan.
A vestige of the last ice age, the Snowdon lily has survived on the slopes of Snowdon for
over 10,000 years, yet warmer climates and overgrazing have drastically reduced its num-
ber. It could be mistaken for a grass before its white flowers emerge between May and mid-
June. Also on the critical list is the distinctive shrub Ley's whitebeam, which flowers in
late May and early June in the Taff Valley. The fen orchid, rare throughout Europe, is pro-
tected in the Kenfig National Nature Reserve near Port Talbot.
Spearheading Wales' environmental movement, the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) is an educa-
tion and visitor centre demonstrating practical solutions for sustainability, it includes the Wales Institute
for Sustainable Education (WISE), a major centre of green learning with an impressive array of courses.
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