Environmental Engineering Reference
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to place more emphasis on considering multifunctional effects in planning and
implementation processes. However, in environmental management practice,
planning as well as funding instruments are generally sector-oriented. From a
broader environmental perspective, measures that have been identified (as) effi-
cient for achieving a sectoral objective (e.g. funding of energy crop cultivation),
may be less effective and efficient if multifunctional aspects are included in the
assessment. When the presented procedure is applied, the effectiveness and effi-
ciency of measures (in a cross-sectoral sense) can be assessed for each plot of land
within a defined area. This information may help to design funding programs that
maximize the effects of environmental measures while having a limited budget.
Implementing such a multifunctionality strategy requires integrative planning
systems and funding programs. Both could probably be fostered by a cross-sectoral
environmental administration system.
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De Groot RS, Hein L. Concept and valuation of landscape functions at different scales. In:
Mander Ü, Wiggering H, Helming K, editors. Multifunctional land use. Meeting future
demands for landscape goods and services. Berlin: Springer; 2007.
Dijst M, Elbersen B, Willis K. The challenges of multi-functional land use in rural areas.
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von Drachenfels O. Kartierschlüssel für biotoptypen in niedersachsen. Naturschutz und
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Fisher B, Turner RK, Morling P. Defining and classifying ecosystem services for decision
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Flessa H, Müller D, Plassmann K, Osterburg B, Techen A, Nitsch H, Nieberg H, Sanders J,
Meyer zu Hartlage O, Beckmann E, Anspach V. Studie zur Vorbereitung einer effizienten und
gut abgestimmten Klimaschutzpolitik für den Agrarsektor. Landbauforschung vTI Agriculture
and Forestry Research Special Issue 2012;361:1-472.
Greiff K, Weber-Blaschke G, Faulstich M, Haaren C. Förderung eines umweltschonenden
Energiepflanzenanbaus. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung. 2010;42:101-7.
Helming K, Wiggering H (editors). Sustainable Development of Multifunctional Landscapes.
Springer; 2003.
Kreins P, Behrendt, Gömann H, Heidecke C, Hirt U, Kunkel R, Seidel K, Tetzlaff B, Wendland F.
Analyse von Agrar- und Umweltmaßnahmen im Bereich des landwirtschaftlichen Gewäs-
serschutzes vor dem Hintergrund der EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in der Flussgebietseinheit
Weser. Landbauforschung vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research Special Issue 2009;336:
Mander Ü, Wiggering H, Helming K (editors). Multifunctional land use: meeting future demands
for landscape goods and services. Landscape Tomorrow. Springer; 2007.
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