Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 10.9
Observed versus modeled monthly streamflow for the simulation period
Fig. 10.10
Observed versus modeled monthly TSS for the simulation period
the watershed outlet. Compared with the streamflow results, the simulations on
suspended sediment loads were less accurate. The modeled monthly TN and TP
loads generally followed the month-to-month observed trends. The seasonal var-
iation of the monthly streamflow TN and TP loads was fairly well reproduced in
the calibration period. These results show a reasonable match between the mod-
eled results and observed data, indicating the model's ability to adequately sim-
ulate both the watershed and in-stream processes involved within the UMRB.
Watershed characteristics, including tributary streams, point and non-point
pollution sources, all influence mainstem river water quality. Variations in land use
practices, cover types, and watershed area will determine the level and type of
sediment, nutrient, and contaminant inputs into the UMR from their tributaries.
Typical seasonal fluctuations in flow, as well as periodic extreme events, can have
dramatic effects on river water quality. This modeling system is able to quantify
the effects of agricultural production systems on nitrogen and phosphorus runoff to
streams and the nutrient cycling in the waters delivered to the watershed oulet.
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