Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 9.1
Input Variables for the DLBRM, sourced from CAREERI
Digital elevation model (DEM)
Flow direction
Land use
Land use database
Depth of upper soil zone (USZ)
Compiled soil database
Depth of lower soil zone (LSZ)
Compiled soil database
Available water capacity (%) of USZ
Compiled soil database
Available water capacity of LSZ
Compiled soil database
Permeability of USZ
Compiled soil database
Permeability of LSZ
Compiled soil database
Soil texture
Compiled soil database
Manning's coefficient value
Land use, slope, and soil texture
Table 9.2 Time series
meteorological and flow
variables for the DLBRM,
sourced from CAREERI
Daily precipitation
Gansu Bureau of Meteorology
Daily air temperature
Gansu Bureau of Meteorology
Daily solar isolation
Gansu Bureau of Meteorology
Daily flows
Gansu Bureau of Hydrology
hydrography are used by the interface through the draw-down menu to derive input
variables for the DLBRM (He et al. 2001 ;He 2003 ; He and Croley 2007b ). The
derived variables for each of the cells include: elevation, flow direction, slope, land
use, Manning's coefficient (n) values, soil texture, USZ and LSZ depths, available
water capacity, and, permeability, as well as daily precipitation, air temperature,
and solar isolation. DLBRM outputs include, for every cell, surface runoff, ET,
infiltration, percolation, interflow, deep percolation, groundwater flow, USZ, LSZ
groundwater, and surface moisture storages, and lateral flows between USZ, LSZ,
groundwater, and the surface (Tables 9.1 and 9.2 ). The outputs can be examined
either in tabular or map format using the interface.
9.2.3 DLBRM Input Data
The combined upper and middle reaches of the Heihe River Watershed were
discretized into a grid network of 9,790 cells at 4 km 2 resolution. Multiple dat-
abases of DEM (at 100 m resolution), land use/cover for the year 2000, meteo-
rological and hydrological databases for 1978-2000 were provided by The
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and
Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI). These databases were used to derive
relevant input variables for the DLBRM using the AVDLBRM interface for each
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