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Share Test Code with spec_helper.rb
ChefSpec supports moving common code used in your tests to a spec_helper.rb file, similar
to Serverspec.
As with Serverspec, you'll have to imagine there are many test files in this example, and
we'll move the shared code to spec_helper.rb .
Create the file spec/spec_helper.rb with the content shown in Example 16-15 . We are mov-
ing the require and at_exit calls to this shared file.
Example 16-15. chefdk/apache-test/spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'chefspec'
at_exit {! }
Now edit spec/default_spec.rb as shown in Example 16-16 so it references spec_helper .
Example 16-16. chefdk/apache-test/spec/default_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'apache-test::default' ddo
let ( :chef_run ) { ChefSpec : :Runner . new . converge ( described_recipe ) }
it 'installs apache2' ddo
expect ( chef_run ) . to install_package ( 'httpd' )
When you run rspec , you should notice no net change in the program output from when you
ran rspec in the last section, as all we did was move around some code:
$ rspec --color
Finished in 0.00337 seconds (files took 1.11 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures
ChefSpec Coverage report generated...
Total Resources: 3
Touched Resources: 1
Touch Coverage: 33.33%
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