Information Technology Reference
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Figure 15-3. Production web server
Simulate a Development Environment
Let's say we want to start a new development cycle for our apache cookbook, adding some
new requested functionality. For the purposes of this chapter, we don't care what the en-
hancements are, we just want our new cookbook development not to interfere with the stable
0.1.0 version we already have in production. We will perform our development on a node
allocated to an environment called dev .
First, before doing anything else, increment the current cookbook version 0.1.0 to the next
minor version number 0.2.0 . We recommend that you follow semantic versioning
guidelines when you version your cookbooks, incrementing the second digit when there are
new changes that won't break existing functionality. This is the intent with these hypothetical
changes we might make to the apache cookbook.
Example 15-11. chefdk/chef-zero/cookbooks/apache/metadata.rb
name 'apache'
maintainer 'Mischa Taylor'
maintainer_email ''
license 'MIT'
description 'Installs/Configures apache'
long_description 'Installs/Configures apache'
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