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We're also introducing some new syntax in the suites: stanza. We set the environment for
our sandbox node in its /etc/chef/client.rb , like so:
suites :
- name : prod
provisioner :
client_rb :
environment : production
. . .
Nodes can be a member of only one environment at a time. The environment is a setting in
the /etc/chef/client.rb file. If this is not set, a node uses the default environment named _de-
fault .
Outside of this simulated setup, you would use the chef-client::config recipe to change
the value of the environment setting in /etc/chef/client.rb , using the following node attrib-
ute, similar to how we set ssl_verify_mode in Chapter 10 :
node . default [ 'chef_client' ][ 'config' ][ 'environment' ] = 'production'
We also show how a private_network IP address can be set in the suites: stanza instead
of the provisioner: stanza:
suites :
- name : prod
. . .
driver :
network :
- [ "private_network" , { ip : "" } ]
When a value is set in the provisioner: stanza in Test Kitchen, the values are inherited by
all the items in the suites: stanza. In this case, we're going to want our production and dev
sandbox environments to have different IP addresses, so we move the private_network set-
ting to be under suites .
Example 15-5. chefdk/chef-zero/cookbooks/apache/.kitchen.yml
driver :
name : vagrant
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