Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
$ cd ..
$ mkdir roles
$ cd roles
In our production environment, we use a webserver role just like we covered in Chapter 14
to denote nodes that are web servers. Create the file chef-zero/roles/webserver.json as shown
in Example 15-4 . It contains the apache directory in its run list and the attribute
node['apache']['port'] set at the default attribute precedence. We'll be using this attrib-
ute to show how we can change the behavior of the cookbook depending on whether the
node is in production.
Example 15-4. chefdk/chef-zero/roles/webserver.json
"name" : "webserver" ,
"description" : "Web Server" ,
"json_class" : "Chef::Role" ,
"chef_type" : "role" ,
"default_attributes" : {
"apache" : {
"port" : 80
"run_list" : [
Create a directory called cookbooks , parallel to the others you have created so far in this
chapter, and make it the current working directory:
$ cd ..
$ mkdir cookbooks
$ cd cookbooks
So far, your chef-zero directory should resemble the following structure:
├── cookbooks
├── environments
│ └── production.json
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