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Attributes and Roles
Roles can contain attributes as well.
Create a .json file to represent a base role. This role will include references to the chef-
client::delete_validation and chef-client::default recipes, both of which we re-
commended running on every node in Chapter 10 . In this case, we'll also set an attribute to
tell the chef-client::default recipe to set the init_style to use runit instead of the de-
fault. Create the file chef-playground/roles/base.json with the code provided in
Example 14-2 .
Example 14-2. chef-playground/roles/base.json
"name" : "base" ,
"description" : "Common recipes for all nodes" ,
"json_class" : "Chef::Role" ,
"chef_type" : "role" ,
"run_list" : [
"recipe[chef-client::delete_validation]" ,
] ,
"default_attributes" : {
"chef_client" : {
"init_style" : "runit"
Then run knife role from file passing in the webserver.json file. Similar to data bags,
knife role from file assumes webserver.json is located in a subdirectory named roles ,
and not in the current directory:
$ knife role from file base.json
Updated Role base!
When you run knife role show base as follows, notice that the role has attributes set as
well as items in a run list:
$ knife role show base
chef_type: role
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