Information Technology Reference
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$ chef generate cookbook users
$ cd users
Chef Client:
$ knife cookbook create users --cookbook-path .
$ cd users
$ kitchen init --create-gemfile
$ bundle install
Edit the .kitchen.yml and make sure you are using the chef_zero provisioner and our favor-
ite basebox image as shown in Example 13-3 . Notice there is a new addition to the provi-
sioner: stanza, the data_bags_path:
provisioner :
name : chef_zero
data_bags_path : . . /. . / data_bags
data_bags_path is a relative path pointing to the chef-playground/data_bags directory we
created with our test data in the last section, similar to what we did with the node test data in
Chapter 12 .
All files in the data_bags_path: directory tree get uploaded to the chef-zero server as
data bags. In production, data bags are populated with data that is not packaged with the
cookbook itself. In other words, any data used for cookbook testing is normally located out-
side the main cookbook directory structure. In Example 13-3 , we store our test data in chef-
playground/data_bags , not under the subtree for the users cookbook within cookbooks/
users .
Example 13-3. chefdk/users/.kitchen.yml
driver :
name : vagrant
provisioner :
name : chef_zero
data_bags_path : . . /. . / data_bags
platforms :
- name : centos65
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