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* log[node[snowman]] action write[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO:
Processing log[node[snowman]] action write (nodes::default line 12)
[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO: node[snowman]
* log[node[susu]] action write[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO:
Processing log[node[susu]] action write (nodes::default line 12)
[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO: node[susu]
[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 0.068921558
Running handlers:
[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO: Running report handlers
Running handlers complete
[2014-07-27T13:05:24-07:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 4/4 resources updated in 2.158656241 seconds
Finished converging <default-centos65> (0m5.12s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m5.57s)
Sharp-eyed readers might notice that the search returns four results instead of the three we
received running knife using the command line. The search result returns the nodes at-
wood , snowman , susu , and default-centos65 . The additional node entry is the sandbox
node Test Kitchen creates for us. When Test Kitchen performs a kitchen converge , it
automatically registers the sandbox instance as a node with its own chef-zero instance.
You have been introduced to Chef search. We're done with the chef-zero instance on your
host and the Test Kitchen sandbox environment. Hit Ctrl-C in the window in which you
launched chef-zero to stop the Chef Zero server. Make sure the chef-playground/cook-
books/nodes directory with your cookbook is the current working directory, then run:
$ kitchen destroy
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