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Apache Solr search query.
Make sure recipes/default.rb matches the code contained in Example 12-2 . It contains Chef
code that queries Chef Server for all items in the users data bag.
Example 12-2. chefdk/chef-playground/cookbooks/nodes/recipes/default.rb
# Cookbook Name:: users
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright (C) 2014
# Print every node name matching the search pattern
search ( "node" , "*:*" ) . each ddo | matching_node |
log matching_node . to_s
The .each statement in recipes/default.rb is a looping construct specific to Ruby. If you are
familiar with other programming languages, look at the following code for something that
might be a little more familiar. The following code creates a counter variable, incrementing
it by 1 until it equals 5:
counter = 0
while counter < 5
puts counter
counter = counter + 1
Although the preceding is completely valid Ruby, a more idiomatic way is to use the .each
iterator to return all the elements in an array one-by-one. Ruby shines in having really com-
pact ways to specify common coding constructs.
The do..end block construct is more sophisticated than we've covered so far. It can be used
to define a method with no name. Also, you can pass this nameless method one or more
parameters enclosed by two vertical bars (||), such as |counter| in the following example.
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