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The knife tool will look for configuration files and credentials in the $HOME/.chef direct-
ory by default. If knife doesn't find anything in this default location, it will then walk up a
directory tree looking for the first .chef directory, if it exists. This is a recommended way to
arrange your configuration files, if you have to work against multiple Chef servers using the
Chef tools in client mode—sprinkle .chef directories in root locations that make sense for the
project, such as chef-playground/.chef .
We won't be using knife --local-mode in this topic, but it's helpful to mention. Similar
to chef-client , the knife tool supports a local mode using the --local-mode option. A
benefit to using local mode with knife is that it will automatically start chef-zero for
You could have run the following to run knife in local mode to check clients. A benefit
to this approach is that it will automatically start chef-zero for you. This doesn't conflict
with the chef-zero instance you already started because it is running on a different port
than the default port 8889 .
$ knife client list --local-mode
However, you'll notice that the output differs compared to when knife is running in “cli-
ent” mode. So we won't be making use of the local mode feature in this topic. Jon Cow-
ie's Customizing Chef book covers the use of both chef-client and knife using local
Before we finish with our chef-playground project, let's pre-populate chef-zero with
some node information so we can get more useful test results back from search queries
against Chef Server.
Create a directory called nodes underneath chef-playground , and make it the current working
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