Information Technology Reference
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$ mkdir .chef
$ cd .chef
Use the ssh-keygen tool to generate some client keys. They don't need to be real keys tied
to a user or to Chef, but they do need to contain a readable key. We discussed the purpose of
the client.pem file in Chapter 10 . In this case, we'll name the file devhost.pem , which
matches the devhost name we'll be using for our Development Workstation. Enter in the
following command lines. (The -P option supplies a passphrase for the key. In this case, we
don't want a passphrase, so we pass in double quotes [""] to supply a blank password.)
Linux/Mac OS X/Windows Command Prompt:
$ ssh-keygen -f devhost.pem -P ""
$ ssh-keygen -f validation.pem -P ""
Windows PowerShell:
$ ssh-keygen --% -f devhost.pem -P ""
$ ssh-keygen --% -f validation.pem -P ""
Create a knife.rb file in the chef-playground/.chef directory as shown in Example 11-2 . This
is the final configuration file you need to create.
Example 11-2. chef-playground/.chef/knife.rb
chef_repo = File . join ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ), ".." )
chef_server_url ""
File . join ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ), "devhost.pem" )
" #{ chef_repo } /cookbooks"
:path => " #{ chef_repo } /checksums"
Finally, open up a separate terminal window and run chef-zero alongside the command
prompt in which you are doing these hands-on-exercises, as shown in Figure 11-1 . Run
chef-zero as shown in the following code, passing in a port number besides the default port
8889 , so you won't conflict with other Chef tools running on your host in local mode. If you
discover a conflict with the suggested port 9501 , use another.
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