Information Technology Reference
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Adding certificate for in /Users/misheska
Run knife ssl check one final time, and it should verify successfully. If not, double-check
to make sure the local hosts entry is correct, and that the hostname matched the expected
name/IP when you ran knife ssl check in the previous step:
$ knife ssl check
Connecting to host
Successfully verified certificates from `'
Configure Chef-Client to Use a Production SSL Setup
The chef-client cookbook includes a recipe chef-client::config , which can be used to
automatically generate the /etc/chef/client.rb config file with the SSL settings we need. In
this way you can automate the configuration of SSL on your nodes.
Log in to the node and check the /etc/chef/client.rb file. The client.rb file was created to con-
figure chef-client settings when you ran knife bootstrap on the node. Notice that it re-
sembles the following. Make sure you log back out to the exist prompt when you are done.
$ kitchen login
Last login: Sat Aug 16 09:06:12 2014 from
Welcome to your Packer-built virtual machine.
[vagrant@node-centos65 ~]$ cat /etc/chef/client.rb
log_location STDOUT
validation_client_name "learningchef-validator"
# Using default node name (fqdn)
[vagrant@node-centos65 ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
In order to enable verification of the SSL certificate on the server, we need to add the follow-
ing setting to /etc/chef/client.rb (the default setting is :verify_none ):
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