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$ knife node run_list add "recipe[chef-client]"
Both the chef-client::delete_validation and chef-client::default recipes have
been added to the node's run list, and will be processed in the order provided.
You can add more than one recipe at a time to a run list—just separate the recipe names
with commas:
$ knife node run_list add <node> \
Make sure the chef-repo/cookbooks/node directory is the current working directory, by run-
ning one of the following commands. If the parent of your chef-repo tree is not $HOME,
change the command to reflect the correct parent.
Linux/Mac OS X:
$ cd $HOME/chef-repo/cookbooks/node
Windows Command Prompt:
> cd %USERPROFILE%\chef-repo\cookbooks\node
Windows PowerShell:
> cd $HOME\chef-repo\cookbooks\node
Perform an initial chef-client run by using kitchen login to ssh into the node, and then
run sudo chef-client as follows:
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